Verdantas worked with Tuppers Plains–Chester Water District (TPCWD) to complete their Phase 10 Water System Improvements. TPCWD desired to improve existing water infrastructure within Chester and Bedford townships of Meigs County. The improvements included approximately 45,600 feet of 12, 10” and 8” waterline replacement, a new 250,000-gallon elevated water storage tank and a new above-grade 500 gpm booster station. In addition, the project included system-wide water meter replacement of approximately 5,500 residential and commercial AMR water meters.
Verdantas provided project administration, survey, detailed design, permitting, bidding, construction administration and construction observation services on this nearly $6.8 million project. The project was ranked #18 among Ohio EPA’s Water Supply Revolving Loan Account statewide projects and received 50% of those funds in principal forgiveness with the balance in 0% interest loan. The project also received $250,000 in an Appalachian Regional Commission Grant.
The project involved coordination and permitting with ODOT, Meigs County Engineer and townships for work along and across roadways including US 33.
Project Details:
- $6.8 million project cost (over $3.5 million in GRANTS)
- 45,600 LF of 12", 10" and 8" waterline
- 250,000-gallon elevated water storage
- 500gpm water booster station
- 5,500 AMR water meters
Services Included:
- Survey (topo & lot splits)
- Utility Design including Hydraulics
- Architectural & Electrical (via subs)
- Permitting
- Bidding
- Construction Administration
- Construction Observation
- Funding Assistance
Water & Wastewater Systems Engineering
CERCLA/RCRA and Multiparty Remediation
Tuppers Plains-Chester Water District
Reedsville, Ohio