With the immediate impact on water demand anticipated from the Honda and LG Energy Solution plants and other related growth, the Fayette County Commissioners coordinated with Verdantas to revise the initial treatment plant design scope to a much broader scope that included six key design contracts.
Verdantas was originally engaged in 2021 to design a new 0.25 MGD groundwater water treatment facility to replace the existing Fayette County Rattlesnake Water Treatment Plant that had been constructed in the early 1990s. The facility was going to service commercial development near the intersection of I-71 and US35 south of Jeffersonville, Ohio.
Just a few months into design development, a significant development was announced involving the adjacent Midwest Mega Commerce Center with the announcement of the construction of a proposed multi-billion-dollar electric vehicle battery factory by Honda and LG Energy Solution.
The broader-based project included design efforts for a new 4 MGD surface water treatment facility, a new 1 MG elevated water storage tank, existing distribution system improvements, and raw water supply, pumping, and transmission facilities to support the purchase of raw water from the City of Wilmington source facilities located at Caesar Creek Reservoir intake.
Throughout the project, significant coordination was required with numerous agencies, including the Ohio EPA Division of Drinking and Ground Waters, the OEPA Division of Surface Water, the Ohio Department of Transportation, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Fayette County Building Department, and the Clinton County Building Department, to support permitting.
In addition to providing design and other related services for the construction of the permanent water treatment facilities, Verdantas supported the aggressive schedule for the availability of a larger volume of potable water while the new treatment plant was under construction. Verdantas also supported the county in the development and permitting of two phases of temporary water treatment facilities.
Site & Roadway Civil Engineering
Water & Wastewater Systems Engineering
Fayette County Board of Commissioners
Fayette County, Ohio