Between 1952 and 1966, PG&E used hexavalent chromium, also known as chromium-6, to fight corrosion in its cooling tower waters. The wastewater from the cooling towers was discharged to unlined ponds at the site. Some of the wastewater percolated to the groundwater, resulting in hexavalent chromium pollution. The chromium affects an area of groundwater at least eight miles long and two miles wide.
In 2011, the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board ordered PG&E to provide the Hinkley community with an Independent third-party Technical Advisor. In 2012, Verdantas (formerly Project Navigator, Ltd.) was selected by the Hinkley Community Advisory Committee to perform in the role of Independent Technical Advisor.
Verdantas performs a critical and complex role as the Independent Technical Advisor with responsibilities for bridging the technical understanding (and trust/credibility) gap between PG&E and the local Hinkley Community.
Key Take-Aways
- Review and comment on all major project documentation from PG&E and the Water Board
- Participated in Remediation Environmental Impact Report (EIR), development of the Final Water Board Cleanup and Abatement Order, and the development of USGS Cr(VI) Background Study
- Hosted and facilitated over 70 community meetings
- Hosted and facilitated 6 community open houses
- Managed and ran 120 weekly community advisory committee meetings
- Reviewed and commented on more than 250 major reports
- Made more than 10 major project presentations to the Water Board
- Held 450 days of office hours in Hinkley to answer community questions in an informal setting
- Created and maintain a website with information regarding the Hinkley Remediation project,
Superfund Project Coordination & Liability Management
Environmental Assessment & Remediation
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Board
Hinkley, CA